/ Assembly List / LJCNetCommon / NetString / GetStringWithDelimiters

Namespace - LJCNetCommon

text - The text value.
beginDelimiter - The beginning delimiter.
startIndex - The starting index.
endDelimiter - The ending delimiter.


The text including the specified delimiters.


public static String GetStringWithDelimiters(String text, String beginDelimiter, Int32& startIndex, String endDelimiter = null)

Get the string including the specified delimiters.


using LJCNetCommon;

// Get the string including the specified delimiters.
private static void GetStringWithDelimiters()
  var source = "<summary>This is some text.</summary>";
  var startIndex = 0;
  var beginDelimiter = "<summary>";
  var endDelimiter = "</summary>";
  var text = NetString.GetStringWithDelimiters(source, beginDelimiter
    , ref startIndex, endDelimiter);
  // text = "<summary>This is some text.</summary>";
  // startIndex = -1;

  // Get text that has the same begin and end delimiter.
  // The endDelimiter is not specified or null.
  source = "|This is some text.|";
  startIndex = 0;
  beginDelimiter = "|";
  text = NetString.GetStringWithDelimiters(source, beginDelimiter
    , ref startIndex);
  // text = "|This is some text.|";
  // startIndex = -1;

  // Get text that has no end delimiter.
  source = "|This is some text.";
  startIndex = 0;
  beginDelimiter = "|";
  text = NetString.GetStringWithDelimiters(source, beginDelimiter
    , ref startIndex, "#NoDelimiter");
  // text = "|This is some text.";
  // startIndex = -1;

  // Get delimited text where the delimiters occur multiple times.
  source = "|This is some text.| |and some more here.|";
  startIndex = 0;
  beginDelimiter = "|";
  while (startIndex > -1)
    text = NetString.GetStringWithDelimiters(source, beginDelimiter
      , ref startIndex);
    // First time: text = "|This is some text.|";
    // startIndex = 20;
    // Second time: text = "|and some more here.|";
    // startIndex = -1

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